About Us
Our Story
Motivated by her decade long experience as a Barnardos' carer, Jo founded the Petal Foundation—a safe haven where babies in need can experience the warmth and care that is so crucial for their first precious hours, days, weeks or, if needed, months of life in a Petal Home.
Jo saw first hand the tough start many babies had. These little ones came to her with signs of neglect that would break anyone's heart — bodies smeared with faecal matter, illnesses like gonorrhoea and other STDs, signs of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, and more. Some experiencing months of instability, being passed around different carers while plans were made for their future
Caring for these babies despite their struggles, Jo found hope in the smallest moments. Jo knew they felt safe in her care, knowing the touch of love could make a world of difference to their early life’s wellbeing. Once these babies experience the feeling of love, nurturing and safety it’s embedded in their wairua (spirit.) Having that caring imprint will help them throughout their life’s journey.
Realising it required a team to provide the level of care these babies deserved and needed Jo had a vision to create a dedicated team of like-minded passionate carers to give babies born totally alone in this world the best care and start in life possible.
Establishing Petal foundation hasn’t been easy; it’s been extremely challenging over the years. But to see the Petal Home operational and doing exactly what Jo set out to do, providing this much needed vital care to babies, she knows Petal Foundation is making a difference by impacting their early lives for a more positive and healthy future.
Our Team
We have a team of specialists including:
Registered Nurses
Trained Nurse Aids
Supportive volunteers, who have all been Police and MSD’s CYRAS vetted.
We are supported by our General Practitioner and Paediatrician.
Our Trustees
Petal Foundation is governed and guided by a board of passionate trustees.
Our trustees bring knowledge and expertise from a variety of professions including medicine, chartered accountancy, law, governance and midwifery.
Kuia and Kaumatua
Petal Foundation acknowledge with honour and respect our Kuia and Kaumatua who are our constant support of guidance and blessings.
Inter-agency Cooperation
Petal Foundation is part of a wider network of people and organisations who all support the wellbeing of whānau and family.
Supportive transition is provided for baby as we work closely with other agencies such as Whanau Ora and Social Service providers. This way we work together to give mother, baby and whānau a holistic service to meet their needs. We aim to achieve this through inter-agency care planning, communication and intervention with the client’s involvement at every step.